Albuca spiralis
I love getting mail. Love it. And what could be more exciting than getting garden related mail? Not much I say. Today marked the safe arrival, in the mail, of my latest bulb purchase – Albuca spiralis.

Albuca spiralis with flowers
These bulbs are from South Africa and have the odd habit of developing corkscrew-like leaves. An interesting curiosity which I just had to have as soon as I learnt of it. Yes impulse bulb shopping at its best! It also has pretty greenish yellow nodding flowers as shown in the picture.
Not always easy to find. I found mine on ebay and have been anxiously checking the mailbox every day waiting for them to arrive. Today once I’d finished ripping opening the packaging I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed when I saw these rather uninspiring bulbs. Not quite the grand entrance into my life that I’d anticipated! Still I will pot them up this week and keep you posted on their development.
PS Don’t forget to check out The Plant Addict Shop while you’re here.
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